BODHi Meditation Cushion - BLACK

BODHi Meditation Cushion - BLACK


Filled with grounded aromatic materials - Hemp, Lavender and Rose- and hand sewn locally, your BODHi cushion is a symbol for restoration and a practical tool to support your body during meditation.

The finer details ︎︎︎
Cover: 100% Linen-Cotton
Inner: 100% Calico filled with Hemp Husk, Lavender and Rose.
Size: 33cm diameter // 15cm high
Weight: 2.5kgs approx
Made in Tāmaki Makaurau

How to use ︎︎
Sit on me daily, focus on your breath, the sensations in your body and the sounds around you. When your mind wanders into thoughts, notice and return your attention to the present moment (breath, body, sounds).